˙RSFTSTYL\#žNVilnius Tech - APA 7th_81056_241022űű¤Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th editionDPsychology, Multi-disciplinary!¸ ŽThis output style is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psycholocial Associaton (APA), 7th edition. The APA is a complex style. The notes below document some formatting items you might need to be aware of. Little distinction is made in APA 7th between electronic and non-electronic sources. For existing libraries using the electronic source reference types, you may need to add the type of source. For example, ensure a Kindle book source is identified as Kindle in the Type of Medium field. Web Page reference type: For references requiring a Year and Date, enter the corresponding date for the Year field in the Last Update Date field using the format Month, Year. Enter the full Retrieval date into the Access Date field using the format Month Day, Year. Retrieval dates: The retrieval date is now only needed for sources that are designed to change or reflect information that changes over time (i.e., social media sites), or for sources that are not archived. (Please see section 9.16 of the manual for specific information.) The retrieval date will print if it is present in the library reference. You may need to manually edit your final manuscript to add or remove the retrieval date information. Contributor Roles: Some reference types require the role of the contributor to appear in the reference list. For example, the writer B. Oakley must appear as "Oakley, B. (Writer)" (minus the quotes). For proper formatting of the bibliography, the name must to be entered as a corporate author in the library (i.e., "Oakley,, B. (Writer)", minus the quotes). The in-text citation will need to be adjusted with Edit and Manage citations to remove the Author, replacing it with custom prefix author text. Records from Web of Science References imported from Web of Science include a <Go to WOS>:// link in the URL field. If the record does not have DOI field data as well, this <Go to WOS>:// value will be included in the bibliography as the URL. Removing this value will affect the "Web of Science" submenu functions from the References menu. As such, it is best to correct this after finalizing the document with "Convert to Plain Text" in the EndNote Cite While You Write tools, within Word. Section 10.10 Computer software, Mobile apps, Apparatuses and Equipment: Use the Computer Program reference type for these. For an entry in a Mobile App reference work, enter the title of the app in the Series Title field. Both the title of the entry and the mobile app title will appear in italics. Section 10.13 Audio Works Examples 91 and 92 (Music album and Single song or track): EndNote has only one Music reference type. While it does contain fields for both Album and Song/Track, the formatting for these are different. We cannot exactly match the examples in the manual. For a Song/Track to achieve formatting closest to the examples in the manual, enter the description at the end of the Title field instead of in the Form of Item field (i.e., "Formation [Song]", minus the quotes). Examples 93 and 94 (Podcast and Podcast episode): EndNote has only one Podcast reference type. While it does contain fields for podcast and podcast episode, different formatting is required for each type. We cannot exactly match the formatting of the examples in the manual. To achieve formatting closest to the examples in the manual, enter the description "[Audio podcast]" at the end of the Title of Podcast field instead of using the Type field (i.e., "Hidden Brain [Audio podcast]", minus the quotes. Chapter 11, Legal References EndNote cannot accommodate conditional formatting of in-text citations or same reference types. The templates for legal references have been set up to include each of the fields shown in the various examples. Reference list entries may vary by state. Only references from the state of Florida are included in the manual and you are referred to Bluebook for other examples.űű!"(#ú$%&"(#$%&"(#$%&"(#$%&"(#Č$%&"(#Ú$%&"(#ż$%&"(#Ú$%&"(#Ź$%&"(#ó$%&"(# Ů$%&"(# ó$%&"(# ,$%&"(# Ć$%&"(# ö$%&"(# Â$%&"(# ß$%&"(#7$%&"(#?$%&4Vilnius Tech - APA 7thXAmerican Psychological Association (APA):https://apastyle.apa.org/űűç !dpqrs…t°xTyz{  , !| , & !xTyzd{  , !| , & !u\}~, et al.€‚ , &ƒ„vw ---űű!"ppqrs…t°xTyz{  , !|  & űű!xTyzd{  , !| , & !uh}~, et al.€‚, . . . ƒ„vw ---űű!#ߤ  xĄ˘ ht‘’ “” •  . !–—„‘’ “”  (űű!• ). űű!–—t‘’ “” •  űű!–—€‘.’ “”  [űű!•  ] !–—€‘’ “”  [űű!•  ] !–—€‘&’ “”  [űű!•  ]űű!–—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘’ “” • –—œ‘’ “”D  , !0"(#$%&• –—€‘’ “”  (űű!•  )űű!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—€‘*’ “”( Article !• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –—t‘’ “”  űű!• –—Ź‘+’ “”8 (https://doi.org/!•  űű!–˜˜—€‘%’ “”  (űű!•  ) !–—€‘$’ “”  (űű!•  ) !–—€‘’ “”  (űű!•  )űű!–— tĄ˘dt‘’ “” •  . !–—„‘’ “”  (űű!• ). űű!–—t‘’ “” •  űű!–—€‘.’ “”  [űű!•  ] !–—t‘’ “”  (űű!• –—„‘ ’ “” •, , Trans.;űű!–—‘’ “”   űű!•, , Ed.^Eds.!–—ˆ‘’ “”   űű!•$  ed.,űű!–—|‘’ “”$  Vol. !• –—t‘’ “”  )űű!• –—t‘’ “”  űű!• –—€‘’ “”  [űű!•  ]űű!–—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—Ź‘+’ “”8 (https://doi.org/!•  űű!–˜˜—€‘$’ “”  (űű!•  )űű!–— ěĄ˘Üt‘’ “” •  . !–—„‘’ “”  (űű!• ). űű!–—h‘’ “” • –—¸‘’ “”D 2 (Publication Number űű!•  )űű!–˜˜—t‘’ “”  űű!• –—€‘’ “”  [űű!•  , !–—x‘ ’ “” • ]. űű!–—t‘/’ “” •  . !–—t‘ ’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –— ¤Ą˘”t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “”  (űű!• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—x‘’ “” ). űű!• –—t‘’ “” •  .űű!–—”‘’ “”  In !•  , !–˜˜—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  űű!• –—„‘$’ “”  [űű!• ]. űű!–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘ ’ “” •  .űű!–— ,Ą˘t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “”  (űű!• –—t‘’ “” •  , !–—h‘’ “” • –—x‘’ “” ). űű!• –—t‘’ “” •  űű!–—€‘&’ “”  [űű!•  ]űű!–—œ‘’ “”D  . !0"(#$%&• –—h‘’ “” • –—œ‘’ “”D  , !0"(#$%&• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘’ “” • –— `Ą˘Pt‘’ “” •  . !–—„‘’ “”  (űű!• ). űű!–—Ü‘’ “” •t . 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